IL 2007-1


Drill Team and Scholastic Bowl Team
Drill Team
Drill is a team of cadets coming together in the purpose of displaying and developing a sense of teamwork, discipline, and self-control.
Scholastic Bowl Team
Scholastic Bowl is a quiz-based competition that tests players on a wide variety of academic subjects, even including Air Force history.
Color Guard Team

Color Guard is a team used to display national pride through the presentation of the American flag.
Color Guard Team
Cyber Patriot
The CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program was created by the Air Force Association to inspire high school students toward careers in c​ybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future.

Saber Team and
Saber is a team that performs a POW/MIA table ceremony to revere those soldiers lost in battle during any of our nation's conflicts.
Saber Team
Marksmanship is a team that uses high pressure air rifles and builds a cadet's focus and concentration.